The Assessment of the Impact of the Project on the Environment from the Aspect of the Embodied Carbon Footprint
Energy rating, Embodied carbon, Whole life carbon, Life cycle analysisAbstract
The study analyses the possibility of improving the methodology of architectural designs using the calculation of the embodied carbon as a criterion for assessing the environmental impact of the facility from construction phase. For the research needs, three models of a constructive solutions for a family housing unit, commonly used in Serbia, were developed in the energy class C. The study uses the Life Cycle Analysis Methodology (LCA), which is the basis for the Carbon Lifecycle Analysis (LCACO2), the calculation of the embodied carbon footprint. To calculate the carbon footprint ICE databases and Carbon Calculator were used, Environmental Protection Agency UK, and for the energy rating, the program URSA, Construction Physics 2, is used to make the required thermal cover sizing. The research has shown that at the design stage, a design solution with a smaller embodied carbon, or a smaller environmental impact, can be identified. The research points to the need, in addition to operational carbon, which, according to the present methodology of calculating the environmental impact of a building, should also, consider the influence of the embodied carbon of the design solution.
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