Estimation Strength Properties of UHPC Using Rough Set Algorithms


  • Dragan Nikolić Academy of Technical and Art Applied Studies, Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Belgrade, Serbia Author
  • Dragan Bojović Institute IMS, Belgrade, Serbia Author


Rough set, Ultra high performance, Concrete, estimation strength properties


During the hydration of cement, a heterogeneous structure is created within its composite materials and the properties of the material in a hardened state vary during the production period even though the mass proportion of the component materials in the concrete does not change. The rough set theory represents an advanced technique for treating the problems of uncertainty, ambiguity and inaccuracy, and it is suitable for assessing the attainment of the required mechanical properties of the composite based on its properties in early ages. This paper shows the results of tests completed on 12 mixtures of ultra-high performance concrete. The water/binder ratio and the content of silica fume and steel fibers are varied. By applying rough sets in the program solution Rosetta, an analysis of the parameters is carried out and the rules are given for deciding which of them can help in the process of making a choice as to the proportions of the component materials in the concrete mixture in relation to the required and attained mechanical properties.


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How to Cite

Estimation Strength Properties of UHPC Using Rough Set Algorithms. (2022). Operations Research and Engineering Letters, 1(1), 1-9.

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